ACTA 2019 Committee


Andrew Mackay

Cofi-Com Trading P/L

Vice Chairman

Lachlan Hosking

Q Roasters


Linda Smith

Coffee & Nut Trading P/L


Catherine Peier

Jonathan Kerley

Grinders Coffee

Paul Mannassis

Mocha Coffee

Nick Chronis

Seven Miles Coffee

Suraj Khadgi

Suntory Coffee Australia Ltd

Ange Augello

The Bean Alliance Group

Simon Creswick

Vittoria - Food & Beverage

ACTA 2018 AGM was held on Friday 30th November at the Intercontinental, Sydney. Elections were held for the 2019 ACTA Committee, great attendance on the day from members, excellent presentations and an amazing buffet. All in all, a great day and highly worth attending.

Nell Macdonald from Planet Ark gave an insightful presentation. Nell, is the program manager for Planet Ark’s new program, Coffee 4 Planet Ark. Some of the ACTA members are working with Planet Ark trialling a collection and repurposing system for spent coffee grounds with the view of establishing a national system over the next few years. 

Professor Veena Sahajwalla, the Director of the SMaRT Centre (Sustainable Materials Research & Technology) at UNSW gave an excellent presentation regarding sustainability of materials and processes, with the emphasis on environmental benefits and scientific research programs enhancing sustainability.  

Thanks to our very generous sponsors for the event:

The Bean Alliance Group