Acta 2020 Commitee


Nick Chronis

Seven Miles Coffee

Vice Chairman

Lachlan Hosking

Q Roasters


Linda Smith

Coffee & Nut Trading


Catherine Peier

Paul Mannassis

Mocha Coffee

Joe Taweel

Cofi-Com Trading

Suraj Khadgi

Suntory Coffee Australia

Ange Augello

The Bean Alliance Group

Simon Creswick

Vittoria – Food & Beverage

ACTA 2019 AGM was held on Friday 15th November at The Squires Landing, Sydney. Elections were held for the 2020 ACTA Committee. Sold out attendance on the day from members, excellent forum with many people participating and presenting – it was great to hear the all the inititaves companies have put in place. A delicious three course luncheon & stunning views of Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House made for a brilliant day. A fabulous networking event. 

The ACTA Committee gave a toast to the 2019 Chairman Andrew Mackay who had selflessly served for many years as a dedicated advocate of the Association and mentor in the coffee industry.

About the forum:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability & Climate Change Initiatives Forum 

For the last few years we have presented on the topic of sustainability.  We now believe it is time to see what has rubbed off in a practical sense into businesses. We would like to hear practical initiatives and incentives our members have put in place. No matter if you are a coffee supplier or supply/support the coffee industry there is something we can all do. 


CSR – Environment, Social, Governance, Community (community connections), Origin and Transparency, Improving Practices in Factory, Warehouse or Office, Education, Uses of Coffee, & Carbon Emissions, Waste, Water, Compostable, Recyclable, Beans, Grinds, Cups, Pods, Packaging, Coffee Bags, Hessian Bags, Local & Seasonal Produce, Transport, Environment, Cafes & ISO26000.

Thanks to our very generous sponsors for the event:

Seven Miles Coffee Roasters & Vittoria Coffee.